Fidem Catholicam traditam defendere ac expandere
“Defend and spread the traditional Catholic Fatih”

Amici Agni Dei

~ Friends of the lamb of God ~


Amici Agni Dei defends and spreads the Traditional Catholic Fatih by means of assisting traditional priests in their needs, promoting traditional liturgical rituals, preserving sacred art and artifacts, and advancing Marian devotion, especially through catechesis and the construction and maintenance of Marian Shrines.

Our firm belief is that the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary will come through Jesus Christ’s One, Holy, Apostolic, and Catholic Church.  The Church grows and flourishes when the people of God are nourished through the traditional liturgical rituals, especially the Mass of the Ages, the Mass of the Saints.

Our current focus is on the Cincinnati Tri-State area supporting across traditional Catholic faith communities in Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky. 


Assisting Traditional Priests

“The faithful have never needed more than today priests who announce to them the truth, who bring them Christ, above all, in the Sacraments, and who guide and govern them in the way of Christ.” – Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke, 2-Apr-2023
Amici Agni Dei is committed to assisting traditional priests so that they can remain faithful to the Apostolic Tradition and truth of the faith and morals handed down to us by Jesus Christ in His Church.

Promoting Traditional Liturgical Rituals

The Traditional Latin Mass is the bright future of the Catholic Church

“Therefore, brethren, stand fast; and hold the traditions which you have learned, whether by word, or by our epistle. – St. Paul, 2 Thes 2:14

“The use of the Latin language prevailing in a great part of the Church affords at once an imposing sign of unity and an effective safeguard against the corruptions of true doctrine.” Pope Pius XII, Mediator Dei, 1947

Advancing Marian Devotion

“The good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer, various nations will be annihilated. In the end, My Immaculate Heart will triumph.” – Our Lady of Fatima – July 13th, 1917
It has never been more imperative than now, to turn to our Heavenly Mother for help.  At Amici Agni Dei we support the building and maintenance of Marian shrines, Marian catechesis, and the promotion of devotions to the Mother of God. 
“My Immaculate Heart will be your refuge and the way that will lead you to God.” – Our Lady of Fatima to Sr. Lucia – June 13th, 1917

Preserving Sacred Art and Artifacts

The beauty of sacred art and religious artifacts lifts our senses and mind to God.  These are treasures of our Catholic faith and tradition that should be protected, restored, and reverenced.


Support Us and Fuel the Fire of Tradition!

We are not ready for donations yet. Additional information will go here soon…